January Opening Hours
From Monday 6th January 2025, we will be operating under slightly different opening hours.
Monday to Friday we will be open from 9am until 4pm, with hot food service ending at 3pm and hot drinks ending at 3.30pm. The Antiques, Art and Collectables gallery will close at 3.30pm.
Saturday and Sunday will remain unaffected, open from 9am until 5pm, with hot food service ending at 4pm and hot drinks ending at 4.30pm.
We will return to our normal hours of 9am to 5pm, every day, on Monday 3rd February 2025.
Regular Opening Hours
Gift Shop, Caithness Glass Gift Shop and Garden Centre
Every day from 9am to 5pm.
Every day from 9am. Hot food service ends at 4pm. Cakes and hot drinks available until 4.30pm.
Art and Collectables Gallery
Every day from 9am to 4.30pm.
Caithness Glass Factory
Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm.
Drover's Exhibition
Every day from 9am to 4pm.